Me and Games!

Me and games

My name is Henrik Tuulensuu and as you might already quess I play video games. And I play them a lot. There are few different genres I like, few of them being strategy, massive multiplayer online role-playing games, multiplayer online battle arena and first-person shooters.

Usually I use over 10 hours on the computer in a day, and about 8 of them I play video games, other 2 hours go by while surfing the internet and watching cute kittens.

Games I play are League of Legends, for short LoL, Battlefield 4, Guild Wars 2 and Mount and Blade: Warband.

About MOBA games (Multiplayer online battle arena). The main goal in MOBA games is to destroy the enemy base with your team of at least 5 players. Usually the base is protected by turrets and the main mechanics are the same. You kill minions to get money, extra money from player kills and turret kills. MOBAs are conquering the industry and new games are coming almost daily. Mosty of the new games get little attention and in the end get abandoned. Mainly because the 4 leading games have very big lead. LoL, Dota2, Heroes of Newerth and Heroes of the storm. Heroes of the storm IS the newest and is from Blizard, the makers of World of Warcraft. League of Legends is currently the leading franchise in MOBA gaming industry.

League of Legends wallpaper.
League of Legends wallpaper.

First-person shooter (FPS) are wargames, as the name shooter implies, few years back 80% of the games took place in the times of Second World War. Nowadays they are based upon 21 century warfare and some have futuristic combat and military equipment, such as unmanned airplanes and cloaking devices. In first-person shooter your main goal usually is to kill as much as possible. Depending on the game mode you either have to just kill or capture the flag. In some games you have to capture control points in order to give advantages to your team and deny the enemy team from controlling the map. Even the first-person shooter have few selected games leading the whole franchise. Biggest of them being Battlefield, Call of Duty, Arma and Counter-Strike, two biggest being Battlefield and Call of Duty.

Battlefield 4 Wallpaper.
Battlefield 4 Wallpaper.

Massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) are games where you can make your own character in the fictional world depending on the game. You choose your own class and alter it with your own choices from the skill tree and traits. Battling monsters and completing quests are the main things everyone know about MMORPG’s, after “leveling” to the max you usually complete raids and dungeons with our party and try get the best loot possible. Enough said the MMORPG genre is the biggest genre at the moment and the thrill must come from the possibility of being the hero you have always wanted. Everyone wants to live their own fantasies, that’s what makes MMORPG’s the best. Currently the leading games are World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Rift, Runescape and Elder Scrolls Online. Biggest with a big lead World of Warcraft.

World of Warcraft wallpaper.
World of Warcraft wallpaper.

I like all the game types and styles. I even play games that I am bad in and enjoy it. In the end gaming is all about expressing yourself the way you want even if it would be completely useless. The only few advantages from gaming are eye-hand coordination skills and decision making, which develop the most during games. There are few researches stating these but enough of those.  In the end everybody like games are they video games or not. They are here to entertain us. Some like them some don’t.


I will be adding videos to this blog soon! Might take few days but videos are going to be released from such games as Guild Wars 2, Mount And Blade : Warband, League Of Legends and CS:GO!

Get Hyped 😀

League Of Legends

New post!

About League Of Legends the world shortly LoL, leading MOBA franchise. Free to play game, which means very bad community.

The main goal in LoL is to destroy the opposing teams Nexus which is the main base of the other team the nexus is guarded by 2 towers next to the Nexus. 3 Inhibitors which are on the leading path to “lanes” in which the main battles are focused. Inhibitors are guarded by 1 turret and further down the lanes you have 2 towers with decent distance.

The game has 10 players 5 per side. Each having their own champion which is selected from the current champion pool of 123 champions. Usually the teams consist of 1 support, 1 attack damage carry, 1 ability power carry, 1 bruiser/tank and 1 jungler which can be any of the following classes but is most preferred to be a bruiser. The team is usually split into lanes 1 top, 1 middle, 2 bottom, 1 jungle.

In the game your champion starts at level 1 and can level up to level 18. Every level your champions gets a stat increase and you get a skill point. You can use your skill points to level up your 4 skills Q,W,E or R in which Q,W and E are your primary skills and R is your ultimate skill which is your strongest attack and has a very long cooldown. Q,W and E can be leveled to rank 5 and R to rank 3. You also have you summoner skills which you choose on the champion select. The skills have various benefits and can be used with any champion for example flash can blink your character away from enemy champion and get you out of harm.

In the game you get gold which u use to buy items these item enchance your champions power and increase their stats. You can build up to six items and the game suggests you build for every champion so you don’t have to browse the shop for items if you just started playing and know nothing. The gold u use for items is slowly generated but the main way to amass gold is to kill enemy players ,minions on the  lanes or neutral monsters in the jungle. You get 400 gold for first blood and 300 gold for regular kill on assists you get a portion of that amount.

Games last approx 30 minutes but can last up to 60 minutes depending on the skill level of the players. Link to official site.

NOW about my own playstyle and positions i play. I mainly jungle for my team. And i play the following champions Lee Sin, Nautilus, Renekton, Thresh, Ahri or Darius. My playstyle is usually very aggressive even if our team is losing and can’t afford to do so. I prefer using tanky and heavy crowd control champions since they are very useful even if they are behind.