Dragon Age : Origins, all you need to know!

Dragon Age : Origins is the first of the series and was released in the year 2009. It was designed by BioWare and was published by Electronic Arts.

The games various choices all affect the game and even affect the second game of the series!

The game is RPG, Strategy game with pausable combat, while paused you can issue your team consisting of 4 characters to use spells attacks or items. The combat can also be played without pausing and using in-game built tactics system which can be customised so the A.I can handle the situation.

Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age Origins

At the beginning of the game. You can choose between three different races, Human, Elf and Dwarf. Each race has their own starting story and storyline. After selecting your race you can choose a class between Warrior, Mage or Rogue, the only exception being dwarves that can’t be mages, also if you choose your class to be a mage your starting story is always the same starting at the Circle of magi. After choosing your class you can choose your starting story line (if you have options), Humans have Noble and Magi startinglines, Elves have alienage and tribe startinglines and Dwarves have noble and castlss startinglines. Everyline has a different starting story and background.

Dragon Age : Origins character creation.
Dragon Age : Origins character creation.

After you have created you character and learned the basics of the game, it is just a masterpiece, combat is really well coordinated and it is one of the best, the characters are all unique and you can make your own choices and decisions that affect the world. The game is a must play. Even though it is old the game can take a good toll from your computer, the visuals are awesome and really well polished.

I recommend this game to everyone! :3

Also it has finishers!

Dragon Age : Origins FINSIH HIM!
Dragon Age : Origins FINISH HIM!

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