Crusader Kings 2

About Crusader Kings 2.

Crusader Kings 2 is a historical grand strategy game that takes place in the medieval era.

Crusader kings 2 does not have a proper “ending” and the game spans to year 1453 in which the game ends.

Basically the game consists of building your of dynasty, warring other kingdoms,following your own religion, managing your cities, but with many dlc’s the system has many many many other thing you can do .

With the dlc’s the game can last for over 700 years and have different cultures and independent states in it.

While playing with the kings is fun and games you really get the challenge when you start for example with a Finnish Chief which has only 1 or 2 cities.

The has it’s own tricks and for example the cultures don’t like each other so when you conquer lands you might need to convert the population so they do not revolt against you. Same goes with religion.

The actual game plays in the map of Europe, Western parts of Asia and the North part of Africa, from Spain to India and from Norway to Senegal.

For strategy fans i recommend this game. It’s fun to play and if you have friends you can play it up to 32 player multiplayer!

Guild Wars 2

Next info about Guild Wars 2.

Guild Wars 2 is a MMORPG which has a lot of PvP elements and some PvE elements. The games end game heavily focuses to PvP.

The game takes place in Tyria which is in middle of a chaos. In the games world there are 5 playable races Sylvari, Human, Asura, Charr and Norn. And you can choose between 8 professions which are categorized soldiers: Guardian and Warrior, Adventurers: Engineer, Ranger and Thief, Scholars: Elementalist, Mesmer and Necromancer.  Professions categories go by armor soldiers are heavy armored, adventurers are medium armored and scholars are light armored. For each race and profession you can choose your own biography and the choices alter your main quest line someway or another.

PvE : Guild wars 2 PvE is great while it lasts for about level 78 the PvE shines and is one of the best sides of the game. The only problem the game has is the PvE end game content. Dungeons are kinda pain to complete and the only thing you get as a reward are cool looking equipment which isn’t better anyway than the equipment you can buy from auction house. Note that this problem has almost been completely corrected via patches making new content.

PvP : Guild wars 2 PvP is divided into two styles either battle arena styled capture the flag. Or WvWvW which stands for World versus World versus World. WvWvW is the diamond of this game. It has 4 separate maps, 3 belonging to each of the world that are battling and Eternal Battlegrounds which is the main battle area. WvWvWs main focus is to control as many control points as possible and collect points via controlling them when a timer goes to zero, you can upgrade your control points such as keeps with supplies you can collect from supply points located around the map and in the keeps. In order to capture a point you have to beat the resistance which can consist of players and Npc’s or at least of Npc’s which protect the control point.After beating all the protectors you stand in a circle and wait until the capture bar is completely full, after that you claim the keep or other control point to your world. In order to get in to the keeps which are protected by walls and a gate you can use blueprints to build siege equipment with your supplies. The worlds are chosen so that winners go against winner and losers against loser so that the battling stays balanced.

For more info about the game use this site.

I recommend this game to all MMORPG genre fans.

I play in the world GANDARA as a Ranger with 2h-greatsword and secondary weapon as a shortbow.

I am also a guild leader for a guild called Wandering Carrots.

I am online almost every day but weekends i might not be online.

League Of Legends

New post!

About League Of Legends the world shortly LoL, leading MOBA franchise. Free to play game, which means very bad community.

The main goal in LoL is to destroy the opposing teams Nexus which is the main base of the other team the nexus is guarded by 2 towers next to the Nexus. 3 Inhibitors which are on the leading path to “lanes” in which the main battles are focused. Inhibitors are guarded by 1 turret and further down the lanes you have 2 towers with decent distance.

The game has 10 players 5 per side. Each having their own champion which is selected from the current champion pool of 123 champions. Usually the teams consist of 1 support, 1 attack damage carry, 1 ability power carry, 1 bruiser/tank and 1 jungler which can be any of the following classes but is most preferred to be a bruiser. The team is usually split into lanes 1 top, 1 middle, 2 bottom, 1 jungle.

In the game your champion starts at level 1 and can level up to level 18. Every level your champions gets a stat increase and you get a skill point. You can use your skill points to level up your 4 skills Q,W,E or R in which Q,W and E are your primary skills and R is your ultimate skill which is your strongest attack and has a very long cooldown. Q,W and E can be leveled to rank 5 and R to rank 3. You also have you summoner skills which you choose on the champion select. The skills have various benefits and can be used with any champion for example flash can blink your character away from enemy champion and get you out of harm.

In the game you get gold which u use to buy items these item enchance your champions power and increase their stats. You can build up to six items and the game suggests you build for every champion so you don’t have to browse the shop for items if you just started playing and know nothing. The gold u use for items is slowly generated but the main way to amass gold is to kill enemy players ,minions on the  lanes or neutral monsters in the jungle. You get 400 gold for first blood and 300 gold for regular kill on assists you get a portion of that amount.

Games last approx 30 minutes but can last up to 60 minutes depending on the skill level of the players. Link to official site.

NOW about my own playstyle and positions i play. I mainly jungle for my team. And i play the following champions Lee Sin, Nautilus, Renekton, Thresh, Ahri or Darius. My playstyle is usually very aggressive even if our team is losing and can’t afford to do so. I prefer using tanky and heavy crowd control champions since they are very useful even if they are behind.

Games i play

Mholes here!

I am here to tell you about the games i play at the moment. So first of all the game genres i play the most are MMORPG, Strategy, Action and MOBA.

Games i play most of the time are Crusader Kings 2, Guild Wars 2, League Of Legends and Mount & Blade Warband.

This blog will show you content regarding these games and other media associated with them.

Here is a link to my Steam account feel free to add me if you want to in here.